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BCRC 'Zooms' into Rosh Hashanah

09/21/2020 11:14:39 AM


Seth Leventhal

Our Zoom High Holy Days got of to a successful start with very well attended and well received Rosh Hashanah services last week. Over 100 families attended, including most on Zoom and our Torah readers and some people selected for honors attending in person with social distancing. On Rosh Hashanah Rabbi Amy spoke about some very relevant issues facing us today concerning speech: Free speech, ethical speech (and the Jewish interpretation thereof) and hate speech. Watch for her text which will be posted online in this blog after the High Holy Days. Our attendees were all highly engaged in the discussion, even though they were not physically present, through the use of online polls and breakout discussion groups. Afterwards, we met outdoors for a socially distanced tashlich at Windmill Park (see Sheri Sackett welcoming the new year with a shofar blast).

Fri, September 20 2024 17 Elul 5784